
How to sell more BEATS online - part 1 - SEO Tips

I hope you have your website up and running? I bet you're really excited about getting it finished and your ready to get selling straight away. Only one problem, you actually have to get people to come to your website. There are so many ways to get people to visit your website, I can't talk about them all, but what I will share with you is information that some companies pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for. That of course is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short.

SEO is the process used to get your website higher on the search engines. SEO is like an art. It's something that the more you do, the better you get at it. But it's very simple to start doing and I will help you get started by giving you the most crucial essence of SEO.

Now before I start, I want you to goto Google.com and search for 3 different terms, "sell beats", "selling beats online" and "how to sell beats". Now you're probably thinking why on earth would I ask you to do that? Well, because I want you to see that my website myflashstore.net is actually listed on the first page of all 3 of those very popular search terms. Now apart from me obviously showing off, I wanted to let you see that the information i'm going to give you is all for real and I wanted prove that I am an SEO expert.

The essence of SEO is back links. Back links are HTML hyperlinks from other websites that link back to yours. Google see's each back link to your website as a vote for your site, and just like any competition, the more votes you have, the better you are. Now a HTML link looks like this;

<a href="http://www.yourwebsite.com">Anchor Text</a>

Now if you want to appear high up in searches on Google for the term "hot rap beats", you must make sure you get as many links to your website with the anchor text as "hot rap beats", so your link would be;

<a href="http://www.yourwebsite.com">hot rap beats</a>

So many people get wrong and I don't want you to make the same mistake. The anchor text MUST be the term for which you want to appear higher on Google for. Most people put their website name as the anchor text and that's all wrong. You will automatically appear high up on searches for "yourwebsite.com", so use the links for more important terms.

So, how do you get back links? Simple, you just go around the internet emailing other website owners, asking politely if they would exchange links with you. You're going to want to set up a links page somewhere on your website, so every time you find someone who will exchange links with you, you can place their link on your links page and they will do the same.

Although there is so much more involved in the whole process, and there are so many other (secret) ways to help you get better search engine placements, the whole essence of it is simply to getting back links. Get as many as you can and you might meet me at the top of Google one day.

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